Wurud Aldmmaeen
4 min readJan 2, 2021


UX/UI Case Study: TrackOne Application.

Project overview

Team: Worod Aldmaeen & Ahlam Fallatah.

I finished my first project at Misk Academy last week regarding tracking online orders. The idea of the project coming after we interview our classmates through Zoom to find out the problem they face and observe their habits and/or attitude relating to this problem noticed people who shipment online face the problem of tracking after ordering.

Discover & Research

What is the problem?

  1. They’re facing problems with tracking much shipments when they order from different apps/website .
  2. They have to check each website or shipment companies separately.
  3. There is no application to provide them with all information in one app.

After we investigate and analyze the issue the Problem statement is:

Online shoppers face problems toward. tracking shipments after they order from multiple apps/websites, this issue consumes their time and effort by login to each app/website and track orders thus this problem needs to be resolved by finding a way to end this dilemma”.

Next step, questions have been prepared to start interview users to get more insight into the issue and what their expectations regard the app that would help them by asking questions like: Can you describe how do you track your online orders? What kinds of notifications do you like to receive ex: SMS, email? Why?

The interviews help us to focus on the target audience who have problems with tracking orders.

After interviews have been conducted, the following step is putting together all the information on sticky notes to create an affinity map.

User Interviews

Then the sticky notes arranged into 4 groups, wants, likes, dislikes, and needs. This helped me better understand people and users.

Finally, we started looking for common trends and grouping them.

Affinity Map


After the affinity map finished, it has been found that the problem would be resolved by building an app where all shipment companies gather in one application with shipment details, as a result, user can easily track his/her shipments easily.



A simple storyboard has created describing the user’s experience, and how the user is upset from receiving many notifications from multiple resources and doesn’t like how he/she will track a lot of shipments. After the user searching online for something to help them overcome this issue he/she found the TrackOne application which solved his/her concern.

User Flow

User Flow

A user flow has been created, however, it has discovered that some feature is missed moreover, some problems were improved through this user flow, this illustrates the critical role that user flow is play. Nevertheless, another issue has been resolved by adding a missing feature in the sketching process (next step).



This process helps us to outline the app and visually imagine it.


Paper prototyping

To see how well the app work and to overcome issues that may appear in the development step, the app needs to test first with people. I gave some users tasks such as “Open the app, sign up, and track your shipment”. As they went about completing the tasks I found that they know where to go and they did the task easily in addition, the users asked what they thought about the app and what are things that need to enhance.

The below video shows the prototype of the app and how users experience it.

Finally, this project made me feel so many emotions.. excited, confused, happy, and relieved. It has shown me that I had the potential to identify real insights into the user through user interviews and processes.

I hope this was at a good level given due to the project timeline being less than 5 days. It was a fun project that taught me a lot about the UX process and it eliminated my doubts about whether UX design was something I really wanted to do, or could I do.

